Where Hands Touch
Autor | : |
ISBN | : 7793183185312 |
: Movie |
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I migliori siti dove scaricare film Where Hands Touch or Amandla Stenberg, George McKay, Abbie Cornish (Prime Video) gratis
I migliori film Where Hands Touch or Amandla Stenberg, George McKay, Abbie Cornish (Prime Video) gratis
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Where Hands Touch is a 2018 British romantic war drama film directed and written by Amma Asante and starring Amandla Stenberg, George MacKay, Abbie Cornish, Christopher Eccleston, and Tom Sweet. The film premiered at the Toronto International Film Festival on 9 September 2018.
Where Hands Touch 2 godz. 2 min. Udostępnij Piętnastoletnia Leyna (Amandla Stenberg), córka białej Niemki i czarnoskórego ojca, poznaje Lutza (George MacKay) - syna znaczącego oficera ...
Where Hands Touch is a coming of age story set in the most brutal of times: Germany, 1944. Leyna (Amandla Stenberg), the 15-year old daughter of a white German mother (Abbie Cornish) and a black African father, meets Lutz (George MacKay), a compassionate member of the Hitler Youth whose father (Christopher Eccleston) is a prominent Nazi solider ...
Where Hands Touch (2018) --KiT / Lektor PL reżyseria: Amma Asante scenariusz: Amma Asante gatunek: Melodramat, Wojenny produkcja: Wielka
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